Fascinating Information About Legendary Marilyn Monroe's Life

Fact – 6

Norma wore paraffin breasts for three years since silicone implants were not yet in demand.
Early in her career, Marilyn's will to present the ideal image drove her to try several enhancement methods, including paraffin breast enhancers. This less well-known truth exposes the extent aspirant actors would go to in search of the perfect Hollywood Golden Age figure. Common in the 1940s, the technique was rather dangerous and unpleasant. Carefully crafted paraffin wax prosthesis were affixed to produce the correct silhouette and needed constant maintenance and tweaking. Long before contemporary cosmetic treatments were available, Marilyn's early career change shows her dedication to satisfy the strict appearance requirements in the business. Her discomfort and possible health hazards draw attention to the strain young actresses of the time experienced. Perhaps reflecting on her own path of self-discovery and acceptance, this era of experimenting would eventually shape her well-known comment of beauty being a state of mind rather than a physical characteristic.