Fascinating Information About Legendary Marilyn Monroe's Life
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One of Hollywood's most extreme disconnects is found in the discrepancy between Marilyn Monroe's public persona and personal reality. Those in her inner circle recognized a quite different person from the explosive image that enthralled viewers all around. Benevolent behind the well manicured picture of the effervescent blonde was an academic with a library of more than 400 books covering philosophy to classical literature. Her closest friends talked of her wit, her commitment to self-improvement, and her great insecurities for which no degree of celebrity could calm. They saw her battles with chronic sleeplessness, her intense quest of acting greatness via method training, and her sincere want to be treated seriously as an artist. But the public was fascinated on the glitzy surface, the breathy voice, the brilliant grin covering deep conflict. Her dissatisfaction stemmed from an emotional pressure produced by her public and private personalities. Marilyn Monroe's tragedy goes beyond her early death to include the fact that few people ever knew or valued the sophisticated, intelligent lady behind the famous image.