Fascinating Information About Legendary Marilyn Monroe's Life
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One of Hollywood's biggest unresolved riddles now is the events surrounding Monroe's death on August 5, 1962. Although acute barbiturate poisoning was the official cause labeled as "probable suicide," over the years several other ideas have surfaced. Based on Monroe's reported contacts with both John and Robert Kennedy and her possible possession of sensitive political material, one theory contends Kennedy family participation. Another argument links the FBI and CIA to a scheme to quiet Monroe because of her contacts to influential political figures, therefore implying According to a third version, her death was accidental and came from a mistake in her routine sleeping drug use, maybe exacerbated by alcohol. The fourth major theory proposes medical malpractice involving her doctors and psychiatrist. Different bits of circumstantial evidence and testimony support every scenario, therefore generating a complicated network of possibilities. The way the inquiry was conducted—including missing police records and contradicting witness accounts—has simply encouraged conjecture. Her death's riddle has grown almost as legendary as Monroe herself, inspiring innumerable books, films, and research still ongoing today.
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