Fascinating Information About Legendary Marilyn Monroe's Life
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Following Monroe's loss and later divorce from Miller, her life underwent a particularly dark phase that resulted in her hospitalisation at the Payne Whitney Psychiatric Clinic in 1961. Originally scheduled as a rest remedy, her stay became a horrific event needing Joe DiMaggio's involvement to get her release. DiMaggio became Monroe's most devoted friend in her latter years despite their own broken marriage. Their post-divorce relationship developed into a close bond whereby DiMaggio became her confidante and protector. His arranging of her burial, in which he omitted numerous Hollywood celebrities he thought had mistreated her, most poignantly showed his dedication. DiMaggio's ongoing loyalty was shown with roses delivered twice weekly to her crypt for twenty years following her death. Beyond their brief marriage, this complicated relationship between the baseball great and the movie star became one of Hollywood's most poignant tales of loyalty and enduring love. DiMaggio's will to honor her dignity in death contrasted sharply with the way many had handled her in life.
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