Fascinating Information About Legendary Marilyn Monroe's Life
Fact – 15
Benevolent home cook who found delight and comfort in her kitchen hid behind the glitzy front of Hollywood's brightest star. One of Marilyn's less well-known skills that reflected a more domestic side to her personality was her love of cooking—especially baking. She would spend hours honing her craft and carefully gathered recipes, frequently from magazines and newspapers. Among her close friends, her stuffed peppers and handmade spaghetti sauce were legendary, but her baking really highlighted her cooking ability. She was well-known for her flawlessly made carrot cake and for learning from her foster mother a unique butter cookie recipe. Surfaced years after her death, Monroe's personal cookbook revealed meticulous culinary techniques with thorough annotations and recipe changes. This pastime gave her in her sometimes turbulent life some feeling of normalcy and control. Friends remembered how, far from public scrutiny and cameras, she would spend whole afternoons in the kitchen experimenting with various recipes and finding real enjoyment in making something with her own hands.
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