Fascinating Information About Legendary Marilyn Monroe's Life
Fact – 11
Though Marilyn Monroe sang "Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend" in the venerable movie "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes," her connection with diamonds was entirely pragmatic. Her public appearance and personal tastes expose much about the manufactured character of Hollywood glitz. Usually loaned from jewelers like Harry Winston and Cartier, who saw great marketing value in having the world's biggest singer wear their precious stones, the diamonds she wore throughout her well-known performances and photo sessions were typically on loan. Actually, the well-known pink dress scene where she sung about diamonds while covered in them contained costume jewelry instead of actual diamonds. This pragmatic attitude to luxury also permeated her personal life, where she favored understated, meaningful jewels above extravagant wealth displays. Her own jewelry collection was actually somewhat little compared to other stars of her time, mostly consisting of costume items and a few prized gifts. This element gives our knowledge of Monroe's character even more complexity: someone who could distinguish her real self from the glitzy image she put on the world.
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