50 Times People Got So Creative With Their Christmas Foods, They Had To Share Them Online

#16 My Little Christmas Tree Quiches With Romanesco Are So Wonderfully Simple To Prepare Thanks To The Mashed Potato Base That They Can Be Integrated Into A Christmas Menu Without Any Stress

They are a fantastic eye-catcher, together with some lamb's lettuce and cut veggies, I believe.

#17 This Years Trifle For My Family

#18 3D Christmas Tree Cookies

Usually going for a large Christmas BBQ are Australians and New Zealanders since they appreciate hot and sunny weather throughout the holidays. They cook chicken, burgers, pork, or barbecue prawns. A Pavlova topped with fluffy whipped cream and seasonal fruit and berries is the holiday staple dessert; cold beer is a classic that really goes with the meal.