50 Times People Got So Creative With Their Christmas Foods, They Had To Share Them Online

#7 Charcuter Tree

#8 Black Forest Cake

#9 Like Cinnamon Rolls But Prettier And Perfect For Christmas Brunchs

Recipe calls for:

Baileys and Wreath Made with Raspberry Meringue


Six big egg whites here here.

Three hundred grammes of sweetener or sugar

One tsp of vanilla essence

One teaspoon cornflour:

One tsp white vinegar here here


Fresh or frozen raspberries

Thirty grammes melting chocolate

A little bunch of mint leaves

500ml cream whipped

35 ml baileys

Preheat oven at 140c (fan oven). Beat eggs till stiff white peaks then progressively add sweetness and vanilla until shiny and glossy.

Fold into the meringue after mixing the cornflour with vinegar.

After drawing a 12-inch circle and then a 6-inch inner circle, line a big tray with baking paper and dollop the meringue in the wreath outline over the paper.

Dig a small trench with a knife across the wreath's center top for the cream to enter when heated.

I left it overnight; place in the oven and turn it down to 130c; cook for about an hour and 15; leave in the oven to totally cook!

Then beat the cream, add to the baileys, dollop onto the wreath and top with raspberries, and drizzle melted chocolate! Then, delicious, add a few mint leaves.