32 Playful Portraits by Connie Kang That Emphasize Animal Quirky Side
For millennia, many artists have been influenced by animals—no mystery about it. We are thrilled to present to you in this article an engaging collection of character pictures. This collection of pictures either emphasizes the really special traits of particular species or catches animals in a funny manner.
To go over her work, we contacted series creator Connie Kang. We wanted to know why she developed characters based on animal images. Connie told us: "Last year, I came across a memory game called 'Do You Look Like Your Dog? and 'Do You Look Like Your Cat?,' by photographer Gerrard Gethings. The remarkable parallels between people and their pets enthralled me. Inspired by these similarities, I began to sketch a series and had much fun doing it. Fascination persisted earlier this year, so I decided to develop human characters inspired by animal behavior and attributes.